Sequi somnia vestra.

Sequi somnia vestra.

dilluns, 24 d’octubre del 2011


When thinking of goin' abroad, a little documentation is really important; if not, you may have problems, some of them quite heavy. So, the best we can do is either goin' to the library (in case we don't wanna spend any cent) or to a book shop (in case we want to keep the book forever and do whatever we want with it). There are some specialized bookshops where you can not only find travel guides but  also plenty of other stationery gadgets, such as restaurant notebook, maps, even notes from people who are seeking someone to go travel with. Here in Barcelona we find Altaïr, a great specialized bookshop. Don't worry, it can be found all around the world; it's like McDonalds' but with less fats and more wisdom.

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